Our Services

We are more than just a supplier. Our market City location enables 24-hour direct access to the freshest and best quality produce available from market traders and growers from around Australia and the world. We provide our clients with advise on seasonal change and menu development. We even offer farm and market tours. We want our clients to understand the importance of fresh produce and the difference it can make to culinary success, ultimately becoming part of your business.

getFresh endeavours to engage our clients with knowledge of the Fruit and Vegetable market using;
Our website with comprehensive updates of the Fruit & Vegetable market, seasonal and emerging lines, supply disruptions, shortages and abundant supply of produce.

This information is also provided by email correspondence. Innovative Online Ordering App that can be accessed anywhere, anytime from the office to mobile phone devices. This allows our clients flexibility in accessing our full produce range and pricing, and also services as an accessible transaction database, with a full history of a client invoices.

Regular updates on social media such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram, highlighting seasonal produce, emerging lines, weekly specials and menu development.

We offer a range of unique produce, required by Innovative chefs, including Edible Flowers, Petite Vegetables, Native Produce and Heirloom varieties.

Our Partners


Genuinely Southern Forests unifies The Southern Forests Food Council, taking in the towns of Manjimup, Pemberton, Walpole and Northcliffe, is home to an incredible variety of produce and experiences. These include around 50 different fruits and vegetables, truffles and boutique produce, and dairy and cattle farms, as well as award-winning wineries, and exceptional culinary experiences. In all, the agricultural sector is valued at around $127 million per annum, making it the area’s most significant economic driver and representing a major opportunity to drive growth in the region.

Genuinely South Forests will play a critical role in unifying the area’s diverse producers to strengthen economic performance, attract further investment, create jobs, promote regional pride and ultimately achieve recognition as a highly regarded culinary tourism destination.


Nestled in the Lennard Valley, approximately 80 km north of Perth, The Loose Leaf Lettuce Company grows and packs fresh, gourmet salad vegetables. The farm produces over 4 tonnes of quality leaves per day.

The company’s most popular salad lines are Wild Rocket, Baby Cos Lettuce, Special Salad Mix and Baby Spinach. Delivered to getFresh Merchants daily to ensure our clients receive quality and freshness of this premium


The Patane family have been growing and harvesting fresh produce in the South West of WA for over 70 years with three generations working in the business.

Patane Produce is recognised as one of Western Australia’s most successful horticulture enterprises, with a reputation for reliability and excellence in fresh vegetable produce.